Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thirty Below , and lots of snow :)

It snowed almost all day yesterday, was quite a nice day .. not too far below zero , lots of fluffy snow.  Then came the night ,  and the cold !  Woke up to -33C with wind chill today . COLD!  Of course, Id left my truck window open !! Hahahaha it was frozen and had a good amount of snow in it, and even worse I forgot to plug it in.  So my whole day was delayed by an hour while I waited for the block heater to do  its job.  Had another coffee , and even managed a food post while waiting. You can check it out here :) So finally , I get to leave , and that's were the photos start..  with a quick view of my truck, then off for a frozen hike...  so cold i could only manage two or three shots at a time, before my fingers wouldn't work properly. The snow banks looked great today , frozen, but with blue skies and sunshine. Then , just to show how used to the cold  me and my dogs have become, the last one was taken at a stop sign..  I didn't even have to roll down the window, it was already down.  6 Layers can keep you pretty warm.  Enjoy :)) I know I did.  

and to answer your question, yes he does keep his head out there while driving .. ears go flapping everywhere.   Have a great day :)

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